At the same time, we bring different perspectives to the topic, so we were able to compliment each other and cover a lot of ground. With 300 nonprofit champions participating in the webinar, it was important to provide a comprehensive strategic overview with enough specifics to help them get the most of Colorado Gives Day this year.
Community First Foundation is all about collaboration. All nonprofits that participate in Colorado Gives day get a huge array of tools and resources to help them connect with potential donors through the Internet, social media and traditional media. Like the Checkoff Colorado campaign that Pushkin PR manages, if everyone does well, Colorado Gives Day is successful. A rising tide lifts all boats.
In life, sports and business, winning teams play well together. They work in sync, with a common goal in mind and with the knowledge that the best players make everyone on the team better.
Collaboration allows us to learn, grow and be better at whatever we do.
If you find it hard to manage every aspect of your business on your own, but you don’t have the resources to add additional staff, look for opportunities to collaborate. Join an association, team up on an RFP, find partners who are good at things you are not. It’s a winning formula that pay off now and in the future.